Friday, March 09, 2012

The Gym

I have finally decided to admit what I've known all along:  I hate the gym.  I don't want to "work out".  I don't want to "work" period.  I want to play.  I want a playground for adults.  I think it would be great to have large indoor playgrounds where the "ground" was a really tight trampoline (like a boxing rink floor?) so that if you fell down, you may not break anything, and getting up may be easier.  On this ground you would have:
  •  swings (wide bench seats for one) and lots of them.  Nothing like stretching out in a swing to get height to your pendulous motion to work every leg and stomach muscle (not to mention arms) that you have.
  • monkey bars (several sets to accommodate short, average and tall people) along with the climbing dome and a rock wall for those linear thinkers; 
  • the horsey ride (work those abs!).  
  • There could be dodge ball, volleyball, and of course badminton courts! 
  • What great playground does not have a pool?  And, because we are adults, it would have a sauna and a hot tub!  
  • I wouldn't mind a sandbox either for some creative outlet.
  • Let's add a line dance hall as well.
It would not have showers.  Go home grimy. When you get there, take your shower or bath, relax and go to bed.  I bet we would be less stressed and a lot happier if we did this.

After a hard day at work, I'd rather go play.  What about you?

1 comment:

5p34k1nt0ngu3z said...

I like this idea!