Thursday, July 12, 2012

Lights Out

       Recently we had an area wide power outage (over 700,000 people without power) for at least four days.  It also happened when we had 100 degree weather and were in the middle of a drought.  I was not happy about losing all of my frozen and perishible foods, but on the other hand, I sort of enjoyed the time off.  I missed my air conditioner, but I had battery operated fans and lights so except for missing the Internet and a few tv shows, I was pretty content. I work in an air conditioned environment so for most of the day I was cool.  By the time I returned home, the temperature had dropped a little.  I could enjoy quiet time - literally since nothing was running in the background.  I could read, play cards, use my Fire for electronic games (recharge it the next day at work).  Talk on the phone (recharged at work as well).  Or I could sit in the backyard and contemplate nature while dinner cooked on the grill.  At night, I slept like a rock.  The windows were up and there was a breeze aided by the battery operated fans. And all in all it was really quiet.
       When we regained power, I took the opportunity to change.  I did not turn the TV on - I read a book.  I also used my time to finish some craft and other projects.  Things seem to be slower now that I have let go some of the creature comforts. 
      I thought it was amusing to listen to others complaining about the lack of things to do and how tough this was.  I grew up before there was air conditioning for the masses; when TV went off the air at 6 on Saturday and I think it was not even on Sunday. The Grocery store also closed at 6 on Saturday and nothing much was open on Sunday - a few restaurants, maybe but busninesses were closed.  Somehow we survived and had a really good time doing it. I am not saying let's go back in time, but I do think there are a few things to be learned from surviving the past.

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